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Navigating the Second Trimester: Growth, Changes, and the Magic of Reading

By Harmel Deanne Codi, JD, MBA

Pregnancy is often likened to a rollercoaster journey, with the second trimester serving as a serene midpoint. As the morning sickness of the first trimester wanes, expectant mothers often find the second trimester filled with newfound energy, anticipation, and exciting fetal developments.

Reveling in Developments and Changes

During this phase, the pregnancy journey truly comes alive. The baby begins to move and kick, becoming more active daily. It’s not just the baby who’s undergoing remarkable transformation. Mothers, too, experience noticeable physical changes, including a growing belly and the first magical flutters of baby movement. As Dr. Emily Roberts notes, “The second trimester is when both mother and baby undergo substantial growth. It’s a unique period of bonding and marveling at the wonders of life.” 1

The Continual Magic of Reading to Your Baby

But amid these significant developments and changes, why is it crucial for parents to maintain and even intensify their reading sessions? Simply put, the prenatal reading benefits extend well into the second trimester and beyond. Research shows that the fetus can recognize their mother’s voice around the mid-pregnancy mark and even respond to familiar sounds2.

This makes the second trimester an optimal time to establish a reading routine and enjoy those mother-baby reading sessions. Catherine, a mother of three, shares her experience: “Reading to my baby during the second trimester was an unmissable ritual. It was our shared quiet time, a moment to bond, and I felt the connection growing stronger each day.”

There’s more than just emotional bonding at play. Prenatal auditory recognition suggests that babies can start developing a memory of what they hear inside the womb. So, those bedtime stories or favorite lullabies aren’t just fostering an emotional connection; they play a pivotal role in the baby’s cognitive growth during pregnancy.

Wrapping Up

The second trimester is undeniably a period of joy, anticipation, and growth. By intertwining the pleasures of this trimester with the consistent magic of reading, parents can foster a deeper connection with their baby, preparing not just for the third trimester but for a lifetime of shared memories and bonding.


Roberts, E. (2021). Mid-Pregnancy Wonders: The Second Trimester. Motherhood Monthly. ↩

Thompson University. (2020). Auditory Recognition in the Womb. Thompson Research Unit on Fetal Development. ↩

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